MD/CEO Colours Hotel, Chief Emmanuel Nkemdirim

November Fourteen Resort Limited, the owners of Colours Hotel has expanded its business frontier with the launch of a new event centre and senior citizens’ club on Obele Road in Magbon, Lagos.

The event done in a festive atmosphere drew numerous notable figures from across Lagos State, including traditional leaders. 

Reflecting on the origin of the hotel’s name, the owner, Chief Emmanuel Nkemdirim, shared that a friend who visited during the building’s painting noticed the variety of paint colours and jokingly asked if he was creating a ‘Colours Hotel,’ which inspired the name.

According to him, the success of the Colour Hotel has been his determination to stand tall to this day not withstanding challenged.

“So many times, we have been discouraged. So many times, we have been talked about. 

Staff of the Hotel

“We looked up to God who never fails, and here we are progressively advancing, boasting of an event centre.

“Today, in this Obele community, we can host friends. We have something to show people that comes around us and our community is no longer bush as people use to say. 

“Colour Hotel has changed the story of Obele community to a town,” he said. 

He commended the staff of Colour Hotel who had remain resolute and committed towards the advancement of the hotel.

He also thanked the Baale of Obele, friends and other people who have contributed to achieve his vision, assuring them of the best service. 

The Chairman of the occasion, Chief Sulaiman Mairo Gambo, lauded the management of November Fourteen Resorts Limited for their wisdom and vision in citing the Hotel in Obele community, which according to him will play a significant role in the growth of the community. 

He urged the management to live up to expectation as the hotel will be the travellers choice and event centre for people across the State.

The highlight of the event was entertainment dancers and masquerade.

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