The communique issued at the end of the maiden one day Students Entreprenural Development Seminar (SEEDS) organised by News Emperor Magazine in partnership with Widescooe Logistics International held on June 27, 2024 at Rockview Hotel, Lagos.
Participants ranging from key players to students and Journalists in the Marine and Blue Economy had an interactive session on how youths can take advantage of the potentials of the sector to develop Entreprenural skill while while building a career.
1. That youths undergoing maritime courses in various institutions should study very well especially science related courses so as to tap from opportunities in marine biotechnology.
2. Students studying art subjects also have areas they can exploit in building entrepreneurial skills such as freight forwarding, chandling, stevedoring, diving amongst others.
4. Youths studying in various maritime institutions should develop skills that will make them self employed rather seek employment after graduation.
5. That employers of labour should open their doors and give opportunity to graduates from recognised marine institutions like Certified Institute of Shipping, Maritime Academy, Oron.
6. That private maritime institutions should develop curricular alongside higher schools such as Institute of Maritime, University of Lagos, Maritime Academy, Oron to mention but a few.
7. That there are no institutions where youths can acquire skill as sailors except Nigerian Navy.
8. Ship repair and maintenance, pilotage, barging, maritime tourism, offshore oil and gas are veritable areas to develop entrepreneurial skills in marine and blue economy.
9.That the coastal waters are rich in marine live offering sources of food that can address problem of food security.
10. With a coastal waterway of 850 kilometres along the Atlantic, Nigeria ports serve as vital cornerstone for international trade.
11. That developing an efficient and competitive port system and maritime logistics can attract foreign investment and trade partnerships.
12. Improving/expanding security of oil and gas sector will enhance revenue/ foreign exchange, technological advancement and job.
13. That the blue economy has an estimated value of $24trn and annual benefit of $2.5trn and if properly exploited there is potential of prospect in future.
14. That the study of marine and blue economy should be added to secondary school curriculum so as to give students a better perspective of the industry at a younger age.